Summer Day Camp Programs for Kids in Indiana
Summer Day Camps in Indianapolis, Westfield, Fort Wayne, & Carmel, Indiana
Abacus Early Learning Centers offer summer day camps in Indiana. For all kids during the summer and on days that public schools are closed. Our summer camps for school-aged children feature a wide variety of activities and field trips. Summer day camp programs across Indiana are available at our learning and daycare centers in Carmel, Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, and Westfield. School-aged children who attend our summer day camp and daycare programs may return during the school year when public school is not in session.
Eleven Weeks of Fun and Learning!
The staff of our summer day camp program in Indiana. Prioritize attentive, considerate, and positive communication. Our teachers promote a healthy expression and sharing of learning experiences, situations, and ideas. The Abacus Early Learning summer day camp for kids includes trips and activities that are designed to promote constructive thinking and mental development.
Week 1:
Mad Science
Week 2:
Kids in the Kitchen
Week 3:
Showbiz, Take 1
Week 4:
Super Sports
Week 5:
Week 6:
Before Our Time – Historic Indiana
Week 7:
Animal Instinct
Week 8:
Music Mania
Week 9:
A Pirate’s Life
Week 10:
Nature Know-How
Week 11:
Camping 101
Themes will vary for the summer day camps, as they are tailored to the interests of enrolled students and the field trips available.
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