State Licensed
Highest standards for quality
When it comes to finding a licensed child care provider, you first need to understand the differences amongst all your choices.
Not all licenses are created equally. As a matter of fact, legal loopholes allow most providers to sidestep child care center licensing completely.
Every Abacus Early Learning Center location is licensed and exceeds Indiana child care licensing standards.
Abacus Early Learning Centers are state licensed, and as such, meet or exceed Indiana’s highest standards for quality as a licensed child care provider. Here are a few facts that put this important feature in perspective:
- Indiana recognizes five different types of child care providers – with huge differences in what is required of each. Licensed Centers like Abacus Early Learning Centers have the highest state standards.
- Key factors in child care quality include fewer students per teacher and smaller class sizes. Registered Ministries and Licensed Exempt Providers have no legal limit on either of these factors.
- Registered Ministries and Licensed Exempt Providers have no state-required education or training requirements for their “teachers.”
- Fire, safety and health standards are higher for Licensed Centers like Abacus Early Learning Centers, with state-of-the-art alarm systems, ongoing staff training and monthly safety drills for the kids.
Don’t just take our word for it. Check out the Indiana University study.
Compare these two regulations and see for yourself the huge difference in what is required of each.
Day Care Ministries Regulations (4 page PDF)
Licensed Centers Regulations (60 page PDF)
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